Template customization


The design of the Itinerary is governed by templates, which are straightforward HTML files stored by default in the C:\Program Files (x86)\CEE Travel Systems\CEE Itinerary SP plugin folder. Within this folder, a range of default template options is available in multiple languages.

In addition to the default templates, there are two Itinerary Options templates. These templates provide structured information about carriers, routings, dates, and times, enabling customers to easily compare existing options.

Should you choose to customize the template, it is highly advisable to create a copy of the original template beforehand. Furthermore, it is recommended to store customized templates in a designated folder, separate from the default templates. To inform Itinerary of the customized templates' location, it is necessary to configure the Itinerary settings accordingly.


When customizing the template from a design perspective, you have the freedom to modify the HTML and CSS as desired. However, it is important to adhere to a few guidelines:

  • Avoid altering any placeholder names. Placeholder names always begin with "PH..." (e.g., PHPaxLastName, PHPaxFirstName, PHPaxLoyaltyProgram, PHETNumber). These placeholders are dynamically replaced with actual values when the Itinerary is compiled.

  • Do not relocate placeholders between repeater sections: The repeater sections, such as repeaterPap, repeaterFlight, repeaterHotel, repeaterCar, and repeaterFare, are specifically defined for passengers, air content, hotel content, car content, and fare content, respectively. Please refrain from moving placeholders between these repeater sections.

Do not relocate placeholders between 'named' DIV sections: DIV sections like 'sectionAirContent', 'sectionSeating', and 'sectionSSR' serve to control the visibility of different parts of the Itinerary. These DIV sections are associated with checkboxes displayed at the top of the Itinerary window. It is important to avoid moving placeholders between these 'named' DIV sections.

How to avoid huge blank spaces on PDF and print outs?

By default, the itinerary template is designed to group relevant data blocks together on a single page, whether printed or saved as a PDF. Below is a segment of the CSS code from the template:

.spolu {
page-break-inside: avoid;

This makes sure that sections of information, like flight details, stay together on one page.

The CSS rule is set for data blocks using a class, as shown below:

<div id="sectionItin" class="spolu">



If you remove class and element remains like this:

<div id="sectionItin">



The content of the DIV will split if necessary.

Last updated